Gaming Fact of the Day

Longest Length Contributed by a Player on Noby Noby Boy

By the time the Noby Noby Boy character “Noby Noby Girl” had stretched her way to the planet Mars on 23 May 2009, player SSSS7960 had contributed 2,744,536,547 metres to Girl’s total length, more than any other player. As gamers continue to play, Girl will eventually stretch to other planets in the solar system, making new levels available.

* Thanks to Guinness World Records, which provides us with our Gaming Facts of the Day. Their latest book, which the facts come from, is 2010 Guinness World Records – Gamer’s Edition, which is available now.

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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