Daily Debate

What are you playing this weekend?

The weekend’s here, which means game playing, beer drinking and other fun extracurricular activities. With Mass Effect 2 and MAG just around the corner and with Bayonetta, Army of Two: The 40th Day, Dark Void and Darksiders recently released, there’s a lot to look forward and a lot of new stuff to play.

Are you prepping for your Mass Effect 2 experience by attempting to play through Mass Effect one more time to reach level 60? Are you playing Halo 3 in eager anticipation of Halo: Reach (yes, it’s a long ways away, but it could never be too early to start, right?) or are you gearing up for some MAG action by testing your gun skills in Resistance 2 or Killzone 2?

I’m planning on continuing my Be A Pro career in NHL 10 – I finally made it up from the AHL to the NHL with the Vancouver Canucks and have the Stanley Cup playoffs looming – and I’m planning on finishing up another run-through of Modern Warfare‘s brilliant campaign. Seriously, the nuclear explosion and your stunning death? A masterpiece of gaming interactivity. I nearly cried. Honestly.

Let us know what you’re going to be playing! We want to know!

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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