New Trailer For Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition Surfaces

Gold Edition Reunites Jill Valentine with Chris Redfield

January 15, 2010 – Fans of Jill Valentine stand at attention. Capcom has released two screenshots for the next piece of Resident Evil-ness, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition. True, the screenshots are just box art pieces but Capcom has also given us a tasty snippet of Resi-goodness in the form of a trailer showing what Valentine fans really wanted; more Jill.

Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition brings even more to RE5. It adds two new episodes to the game. They are Lost In Nightmares and Desperate Escape. Gold Edition will also give players, according to the box art, “4 New Costumes, The Mercenaries’ Reunion, and Versus Extra Figures.”

Everything in the Gold Edition will be available for download for those who already own a copy of RE5.

Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition will be available on the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

Cody Mills

Cody currently attends Finlandia University striving for an English Literature Bachelor's and plans to move on to get his Master's in Comparative Literature and a Ph.D. in Philosophy. What does all of that have to do with gaming? He loves to write. He's been a gamer since he could read, and he's been reading since before he could speak. He's also an avid collector and has just over five hundred games in his collection spanning over ten-plus consoles.

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