Beyond Good & Evil 2, I Am Alive Still in Development

Two Major Ubisoft Titles “toujours en production”

January 15, 2010 I Am Alive and Beyond Good & Evil 2 are still in development. In an interview with french gaming website Gamekult, Geoffroy Sardin, the General Director of Ubisoft in France was asked about the status of two Ubisoft titles, I Am Alive and Beyond Good & Evil 2. He responded by saying, “Ils sont toujours en production tous les deux…” which roughly translates to, “They are both still in production.”

The news from Mr. Sardin is good news for fans of Beyond Good & Evil, the eccentric, critically acclaimed last-gen series that is still waiting for a current-generation adoption.

I Am Alive, being worked on by Jade Raymond, producer of Assassin’s Creed, will take place in Chicago after a massive earthquake devastates the city. Little is known about the game, but it was scheduled for a 2010 release and was just pushed back to 2011.

Source: Gamekult via Kotaku

Geoff Calver

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