Gaming mice. Are they always overpriced and one-dimensional? Maybe not.
We have been mousing around with A4Tech’s Bloody Ultra Core 3 V7 mouse for a week and you can read our review after the jump.
Good gaming mice usually run you upwards of $100 or more, and are more geared for gaming than everyday use. They generally have lots of buttons that can be configured in-game to do all sorts of tasks that are usually done by pressing keys on a keyboard. Dedicated PC gamers tend to know exactly which key to press, and can press them without even looking. Me, not so much.
As a gamer that plays many games on multiple platforms, knowing which key to press is generally done by remembering which game I’m playing, then looking at the keyboard to find that key. Even as I type this I’m looking at my keyboard and pecking away. I’ve been using PC’s since the early 80’s and never did learn to type properly. Now, you ask, what does any of that have to do with a gaming mouse? Allow me to introduce you to A4Tech’s latest mouse and then we can answer that question.
A4Tech’s latest creation connects to your PC VIA a USB cable that feels like it’s military strength. That’s a great start that gave us the feeling this mouse was worth more than $39.99. The weight is listed as a middleweight, and it is heaver than most basic mice, but yet not so heavy that you’ll get tired of using it in every day usage.
The body design of the mouse gives you a thumb and pinky rest, and if your playing a game that requires a lot of mouse movement, those rests are key to keeping your fingers from getting callouses from your mouse-pad. Innovative HoleLESS Engine Equipped with dual optic Lens (2P) allows mouse to increase 54 times higher image contrast than regular mouse, and filters out undesired light, keeping dust & liquid out.
One of the key features for this specific mouse is the ability to switch between ‘Cores’. Each Core consists of a specific driver set that transforms your mouse into three separate mice without having to actually unplug the device. One for full on gaming, one for everyday use, and one that falls somewhere in-between.
Programmable buttons are located in strategic spots on the body. Two are located above the thumb rest for easy thumb clicking. I barely had to move my thumb to click either one and both are programmable for in-game usage or for everyday Office related tasks like copy and paste.
For hardcore FPS games, Core3: Ultra Gun3 is is where this mouse really shines. If you are using a single shot 9mm or .45 handgun in an FPS game with a regular mouse, your fingers can and will get tired from pressing that left button. With the Core3, it just got much easier and faster. The buttons just behind the scroll wheel give you firing options that turn that handgun into a much more lethal weapon, with no recoil. Is that an unfair advantage? You decide. Two and three burst shots, with no recoil, puts a lot of lead in a small area in a short amount of time. Headshots FTW.

Also included with the Core3 software is the ability to adjust and enhance the trajectory, along with an armory that saves each setting for each weapon.
For hardcore FPS gamers who don’t have a huge gaming budget, you can’t beat this great gaming mouse. The price is affordable, and the features are right up there with some top of the line mice that can run you three times the price. For everyday usage, the mouse is a handy little tool for those everyday Office shortcuts. No more Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V for me. The buttons above my thumb are much quicker.
As for not knowing my keyboard, melee and actions are much easier if the buttons are also above my thumb.
Well done A4Tech. Bloody well done.
The Final Verdict
Pros | Cons |
Well designed body |
Could use more programmable buttons |
Verdict | A great mouse at a great price |
Rating |